Team Programs
Mike Scott offers a variety of team programs to help all levels of of the game. He will work with the coaches and players to improve skills, find useful practice drills, and create team unity. Here are some examples of team programs.
Hitting Clinics
Coaches very often will teach some players hitting techniques but few coaches set up a plan for everyone to follow. Hitting clinics with Mike Scott focus on finding the major fundamentals of a solid swing. By setting up some basic swing mechanics and creating a simple set of rules at the plate a coach is able to track the progress of each player making sure they are following the team plan. Hitting clinics are also a valuable way to have all players taking swings in repetition to goove those solid swing mechanics.
Defensive Clinics
Different ages have very different skill levels. Team defensive skills are often underestimated and overlooked. The youngest team members might be working on basic cut off or force plays while the older groups need to understand and execute situational defensive plays. Mike offeres a wide range of defensive drills and challenges for every age group. Getting your team to work defensively as one group will prevent those blow up innings and increase your ability to make the routine and big plays during a game that can get you a victory.
Pitchers and Catchers Clinics
Many pitchers work on their own or with instructors, but what they lack is is the communication with their regular season catchers. Bring your pitchers, catchers, and coaches to Mike Scott's Team Pitching clinics and get them working together. The focus will be on learning how to work together and create needed communication for success. Drills and techniques are taught to help improve practice and game situation. The pitcher and catcher control the ball more often than any other players, get them working as one and they will be able to lead your team.